New launches Xiaomi Redmi 3 is running on Android-based MIUI 7, it offers a 13MP back camera with LED streak and a 5MP front selfie camera. Xiaomi has reported the Redmi 3, the most recent rendition of its financial plan mobile phone. Redmi 3 comes with 5 inch display which dons a full metal body interestingly and another precious stone cross section outline, Price in China 699 CNY goes on special Sale. Xiaomi Redmi Price will be around 105 $ and In Indian currency is 7140 Rs.
Xiaomi Redmi 3
It comes in full metal configuration with spotted precious stone example on the back sheet. Xiaomi Redmi 3 dimension are measures 139.3 x 69.4 x 8.5 mm and its weight is 144 grams. The Xiaomi Redmi 3 price in India may be 7140 INR. If observer seires of Redmi mobile phones Redmi 1S and Redmi 2-are the most prevalent Mi telephones in India and Xiaomi ought to without a doubt not pass up a major opportunity for conveying the Redmi 3 to India. Xiaomi has jettisoned plastic for the new telephones
According to news it has 5-inch 720p screen (HD Screen), which is an update frame the It runs the Snapdragon 616 and weighs only 144g in spite of the metal casing. The cell phone brandishes a 5-inch 720p HD show and runs 1.2GHz octa-center Qualcomm Snapdragon 616 processor with 2GB RAM and 16GB inner space which can be upgraded with 128 GB.
Xiaomi Redmi 3 Price
Redmi 3 has a 13 megapixel camera on the back and a 5 megapixel camera on the front. Expected Xiaomi Redmi price in India 7140 Rs. The back camera is outfitted with stage center and claims to take only 0.1 seconds to bolt onto the subject being caught. The Xiaomi Redmi 3 comes preinstalled with Android 5.1 Lollipop that is tweaked with MIUI 7.0 restrictive programming from Xiaomi. So these are the Xiaomi Redmi 3 Specification according to news websites. Xiaomi Redmi 3 is furnished with elements such as stage identification self-adjust and single LED glimmer. It additionally bolsters full HD video recording. Redmi 3 designing is much pleasing with metal body.
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